About Eric Kasper

About Eric Kasper

Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm Eric Kasper, a serial entrepreneur, CEO, and E-commerce Innovator. With a passion for building and scaling businesses, I've embarked on multiple entrepreneurial ventures, each time bringing new ideas and innovations to the fore. My guiding principle is inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better... This is to have succeeded." My journey is a testament to the belief that success is not just about achievements, but about making a meaningful impact.

A Serial Entrepreneur's Path

My entrepreneurial spirit was first ignited in 2003 with the creation of AreaTrend, an online retailer that swiftly carved out a significant place in the digital marketplace. Building on the insights and experiences from this venture, I later established Tradefull in 2018. As a multi-time founder, I have repeatedly demonstrated my ability to identify market needs and respond with effective, innovative solutions. Tradefull exemplifies this, providing an end-to-end e-commerce solution for businesses seeking to expand their online presence with limited risk.

My Philosophy and Approach

Hailing from The University of Akron in Northeast Ohio, I embody a Midwestern work ethic and team-oriented mindset in all my endeavors. My approach to business and leadership is characterized by an embrace of change, cultivating resilience, and a balance between visionary aspirations and grounded, practical execution. I am deeply invested in areas such as e-commerce, logistics, entrepreneurship, and marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart and TikTok, always eager to share my knowledge and experiences.

Life Beyond Business

Outside the realm of business, my interests are diverse. I am an avid supporter of the Steelers, a gaming enthusiast, and a dedicated father to my twin children. These roles and interests underscore the importance of balance and joy in both professional and personal spheres.

Join My Entrepreneurial Journey

This blog is a platform for me to share the myriad experiences, challenges, victories, and lessons learned across my entrepreneurial journey. Whether you're an emerging entrepreneur, an experienced business leader, or someone with a keen interest in e-commerce and innovation, I hope to offer insights and stories that inspire, inform, and entertain.

Stay connected as we explore the ever-evolving world of business and entrepreneurship together!