Understanding Amazon’s New Policy on Dietary Supplements: What Sellers Need to Know

Understanding Amazon’s New Policy on Dietary Supplements: What Sellers Need to Know

Amazon has introduced a significant policy update that impacts how dietary supplements are sold on its platform. This change mandates that third-party lab test results be sent directly to Amazon, bypassing the previous method where sellers could upload their certifications. This blog post explores what this means for sellers, why it’s happening, and how it can ultimately benefit both sellers and consumers.

Why Amazon Changed Its Dietary Supplement Policy

The primary reason for this policy update is to ensure the authenticity and safety of dietary supplements sold on Amazon. With nearly 50% of FDA recalls from 2004 to 2012 involving dietary supplements that posed health dangers, Amazon aims to prevent such risks by tightening its verification process.

How the New Policy Works

Under the new system, any seller wishing to list dietary supplements must have their products tested by an Amazon-approved third-party lab. The results of these tests are then sent directly from the lab to Amazon, ensuring that all data provided is accurate and unaltered.

Benefits for Sellers and Consumers

For Sellers:

  • Increased Trust: Complying with the new policy enhances your credibility as a seller.
  • Better Consumer Confidence: Shoppers are more likely to buy products that are verified by a trusted third party.
  • Edge Over Competitors: Sellers who comply efficiently can stand out in a marketplace that values safety and authenticity.

For Consumers:

  • Safety: Ensures that the supplements purchased meet safety and quality standards.
  • Transparency: Consumers have a clearer insight into the quality of the products they consume.
  • Reliability: Reduces the risk of encountering harmful or ineffective products.

How Sellers Can Adapt to the New Policy

  1. Select a Qualified Lab: Work with labs that are accredited and recognized by Amazon to ensure your tests are accepted.
  2. Plan for Expenses: Budget for the additional costs of third-party testing, which may be an ongoing requirement.
  3. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of any further changes in policy and industry standards by regularly checking Amazon’s Seller Central updates.


Q1: What types of tests are required under the new policy?
A1: The required tests may vary depending on the type of supplement but generally include purity, identity, and potency testing.

Q2: How often do I need to test my products?
A2: Amazon recommends regular testing, especially when there are changes in your product formulation or manufacturing process.

Q3: What happens if my product fails a test?
A3: Products that fail the test may be removed from listings, and sellers might have to undergo additional checks to reinstate their products.

Q4: Are there specific labs I must use for testing?
A4: Yes, Amazon has a list of approved third-party labs that sellers must use to ensure the validity of the results.

Q5: Can I appeal if my product is delisted due to test failure?
A5: Yes, sellers can appeal delistings, but they will need to provide substantial evidence to prove the safety and compliance of their products.


Amazon’s new dietary supplement policy is a game-changer for sellers on its platform. By understanding and adapting to these changes, sellers can maintain their standing and continue to provide safe, reliable products to consumers. This not only fosters a safer marketplace but also builds a stronger trust bond between sellers and buyers.

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